How to grow potatoes in old paint buckets

How to grow potatoes in old paint buckets1. Prepare the Buckets:Clean buckets thoroughly.Drill drainage holes at the bottom and lower sides.2. Prepare the Potatoes:Chit seed potatoes by placing them in a cool, light area until they sprout.Cut large potatoes into pieces, ensuring each piece has an eye or sprout. Let them dry for a day.3. … Read more


AVOCADO SEED POWDER -How to Make Avocado Seed Powder1.Prepare the Seeds: Rinse the avocado seeds thoroughly after enjoying the fruit’s flesh.2.Dry the Seeds: Air dry the seeds for a few days or bake them at a low temperature for about 2 hours.3.Remove the Skin: Peel off the outer skin to reveal the inner seed.4.Grind the … Read more